Join us in telling
Oxford City Council:
Stop destroying our City!
Review the 2040 Local Plan

Sign the petition

Oxford City Council is writing a new Local Plan to 2040 Local Plan. This plan allocates land for businesses and housing for GROWTH far beyond the needs of Oxford’s residents and visitors. It continues to threaten our green spaces, the lungs of the city, on which the natural world depends, worsening flood risk, air and river pollution. 

The construction and infrastructure of this plan come with a huge carbon footprint which would prevent us reaching our zero carbon target.

Sign the Petition for a new Local Plan that is fit for purpose!


Current campaigns

Previous Campaigns

Empty Car Park by Kassam Stadium

Disused overflow car park by Kassam Stadium which should be regenerated for affordable housing 

Oxford’s City Council is:

Pitting the need for affordable homes against the need for green spaces

There is room for both homes AND green spaces.. All over the city, meadows and woodland, sports pitches and playgrounds are being sacrificed for housing. This is regardless of the needs of local people or the role of these spaces for nature, flood protection, biodiversity and wildlife corridors. This is an unnecessary and catastrophic sacrifice, as there is plenty of room in Oxford for the truly and permanently affordable housing residents need.

Driving up demand by making Oxford a ‘Fast Growth City’

Oxford is an ideal size for a sense of wellbeing and identity. However, the Future Oxfordshire Partnership (formerly the Oxfordshire Growth Board) is driving unsustainable increases in business and population for Oxford, in line with Swindon, Milton Keynes and Cambridge. The plan is to increase Oxford's population by 30% and use land in the city for thousands of tech jobs.  Further development on this scale worsens Oxford's housing crisis, current infrastructure and ecological problems and reduces our resilience to the nature and climate emergencies. 

Holding back 430 acres of land reserved exclusively for business

There are high vacancy rates in Oxford’s business parks (Cowley and Botley Roads, Oxford Business Park, Unipart and Mini plant) and redundant retail and office space in the city. These sites would be ideal for regeneration for affordable homes and new green spaces. But the Council and University want to use this space for new hotels and new business/tech spin out companies when Oxford already has 99% full employment. Creating many more jobs drives up demand for housing and increases house prices even further making it one of the least affordable cities in the UK. 

 Oxford can build affordable houses AND keep its precious green spaces!

The ancient meadows, the Horse Fields in Iffley Village, are is under threat from plans for 30 houses
Over 60 000 people have signed a petition to stop this insane plan.  

Instead these meadows would make a wonderful community resource for education and wellbeing and boost the natural world on which we all depend


We need our green spaces: for our mental health, for exercise, for nature, and to protect us the extreme weather of climate change.

Meadows and hedgerows, playgrounds and sports pitches are being concreted over. 

We are on Code Red for humanity and there is no time for delay.

Oxford City Council CAN provide the truly affordable homes residents need on an increasing supply of already used land and buildings, without destroying the green lungs of our city.

We call on Oxford City Council to:

All photos and illustrations copyright OnlyOneOxford 2022 unless otherwise stated